How it works

Using Aqua Protocol: A Step-by-Step Guide

Aqua Protocol offers a seamless process for using your TONCOIN or Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) to borrow AquaUSD, a stablecoin, which can be used in various DeFi activities. Here’s how it works:

1. Provide a Deposit:

  • Deposit TONCOIN or LSTs: Start by depositing your TONCOIN or LSTs (such as stTon, tsTon, hTon, wlTon) into the Aqua Protocol. This deposit acts as collateral for borrowing.

2. Get AquaUSD on Credit:

  • Receive AquaUSD: Based on your collateral, you can borrow AquaUSD from the protocol. The amount of AquaUSD you receive will be equivalent to 50% of the value of your deposited collateral. The minimum collateral ratio for minting is set at 200%.

  • Collateralization Percentage: This 50% collateralization is necessary to maintain the protocol's security, considering the volatility of the cryptocurrencies used as collateral.

3. Use AquaUSD in DeFi:

  • Diverse Use Cases: AquaUSD can be used for various purposes like exchanging into other coins or stablecoins, trading, hedging risks, providing liquidity, purchasing NFTs or another tokens, and more.

  • Gaining Leverage: You also have the option to re-deposit AquaUSD into Aqua Protocol. This strategy can increase your leverage, potentially amplifying profits from liquid staking and benefiting from a rise in the price of Toncoin.

4. Repay the Loan to Retrieve Your Collateral:

  • Reclaiming Collateral: If you wish to get your collateral back, simply repay the borrowed AquaUSD. Upon repayment, your collateral will be released and made available for withdrawal.

In summary, Aqua Protocol provides a straightforward and flexible way to leverage your TONCOIN or LSTs, allowing you to engage actively in the DeFi space while maintaining the opportunity to profit from your staked assets.

Last updated